
Aria’s Castle Adventure” is an adventure game centered around Aria, a vivacious and positive young princess. Her life takes an unexpected turn when she accidentally drinks a potion concocted by a witch, causing her to shrink and fall into an unknown castle. Inside, Aria must navigate through the sprawling castle, gathering magical stars scattered throughout. These stars are crucial for trading with the witch to obtain items she needs. Along the way, Aria must avoid obstacles and evade hits to prevent becoming dizzy, adding an extra layer of challenge to her quest.

How to play

Control player movement and jumping using the "A", "S", "D", "W", and "Space" keys, and move the player's view by clicking the left mouse button. Try to collect as many magic stars as possible!


Code, art, design, screenwritings all by Skylar.
Background music source: 

Thank you GregorQuendel.

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